API Reference

Field description for payout webhook

merchantIdYour unique identifier in BlockATM8600021
chainIdID used to identify different chains.5
contractAddressThe corresponding smart contract address is triggered by this transaction.0x57609702e66d6dee9d1f3a9fab376b95b9ec9e02
blockIdThe transaction occurred at the corresponding block height.10168195
fromAddressThe address associated with initiating this transaction.0x8e5df55ac224db7424fa8536eda9356f44474936
networkCode of the blockchain.(e.g. Ethereum、TRON、Arbtrium)Ethereum
txIdThe Transaction identifier in blockchain0xa85f090dc5e722177ddc2cd2d4d
status-2: Rejected by the finance -1: On-chain processing failed 1:Success-1
detailListThe list of specific payment information included in this transaction.please refer to Payout detail Parameter below.

Payout detail Parameter

orderNoThe order number corresponding to your platform.O8600021
symbolThe token identifier that the customer pays with.ETH
toAddressTo which address should the assets be sent.0x2d7ff2dc166ae09542c749be052028e43825cde7
tokenAddressThe token contract address corresponding to the assets.0x92efdfa35c75b259375ebe0f84ee1d95db0489b6
amountThe quantity of assets being sent.100.0901