Field description for payment webhook
name | comment | example |
amount | Actual payment amount by the customer | 13.410037 |
chainId | ChainId is a unique identifier used in blockchain networks to distinguish a particular network。.you can find the chainId in | 1 |
custNo | Optional. Your customerNo who pay the order. | 860021 |
orderNo | Optional. The order number corresponding to your platform. This value is null when the type is 3. | O20231022 |
fee | The order fee.The unit is USDT. | 2 |
network | Network name used to describe the occurrence of this transaction order. If you want to uniquely identify the corresponding network chain, it is recommended to use the chainId. (e.g: Ethereum, TRON) | Ethereum |
platOrderNo | The order number corresponding to the blockATM platform | 8210000374 |
symbol | The token identifier that the customer pays with. | USDT |
txId | The transaction hash corresponding to the order on the blockchain. You can view the transaction details on the corresponding network's block explorer. | 0x.... |
type | 1:Smart Contract Payment 2.QR Code Payment 3:Smart Contract Address Direct | 1 |
status | -1: Failure: 0:Processing 1:Success | 1 |
createTime | The time of order creation, measured in milliseconds. | 1693212861016 |
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