API Reference
// Create an instance of PayoutHelper with the specified RPC node URL
PayoutHelper payout = new PayoutHelper("JSON_RPC_URL");

awTransaction rawTransaction = createRawTransaction();

// Sign the transaction with privateKey manager
// RawTransaction rawTransaction = createRawTransaction();
// Credentials credentials = Credentials.create(PRIVATEKEY);
// String hexValue = Numeric.toHexString(TransactionEncoder.signMessage(rawTransaction,chainId, credentials));

// Send the signed transaction and get the transaction ID
String txId = payout.sendRawTransaction(hexValue);

// Print the transaction ID
System.out.println("txId is -> " + txId);
String jsonRpc = "https://...";
String http = "https://....";

// Create an instance of TronPayoutHelper with the specified JSON-RPC and HTTP URLs
TronPayoutHelper payoutHelper = new TronPayoutHelper(jsonRpc, http);

// Sign the transaction use privteKey manager
//byte[] bytes = TronUtils.signTransactionByte(tx.toByteArray(), ByteArray.fromHexString(privateKey));
//String raw = Hex.toHexString(bytes);

// Broadcast the raw transaction and get the transaction ID
Broadcast eth = payoutHelper.sendRawTransaction("signed row transaction");
System.out.println("txId is fail ->" + eth.getTxid());