// Create an instance of PayoutHelper with the specified RPC node URL
PayoutHelper payout = new PayoutHelper("JSON_RPC_URL");
// Retrieve the Ethereum transaction details using the getTransaction() method
// Parameters: transactionHash - the hash of the transaction
EthTransaction eth = payout.getTransaction("transaction hash");
// Print the Ethereum transaction details
System.out.println("EthTransaction->" + eth.getTransaction().toString());
// The RPC endpoint URL for TronGrid
String jsonRpc = "JSON_PRC_URL";
// The HTTP endpoint URL for TronGrid
String http = "HTTP_ENDPOINT_URL";
// Create an instance of TronPayoutHelper with the RPC and HTTP URLs
TronPayoutHelper payoutHelper = new TronPayoutHelper(jsonRpc, http);
// Retrieve the Tron transaction details using the getTransaction() method
// Parameters: transactionHash - the hash of the transaction
EthTransaction ethTransaction = payoutHelper.getTransaction("Your TransactionHash");
// Print the hash of the transaction
System.out.println("transaction Id->" + ethTransaction.getTransaction().get().getHash());