// Create an instance of PayoutHelper with the specified RPC node URL
PayoutHelper payout = new PayoutHelper("JSON_RPC_URL");
// Retrieve the Ethereum transaction receipt using the getTransactionReceipt() method
// Parameters: transactionHash - the hash of the transaction
EthGetTransactionReceipt eth = payout.getTransactionReceipt("transaction hash");
// Retrieve the status of the transaction
String status = eth.getTransactionReceipt().get().getStatus();
// Check if the transaction is failed
System.out.println("txId is fail ->" + EthUtils.isFail(status));
// Define the RPC and HTTP endpoints URL for TronGrid
String jsonRpc = "https://api.shasta.trongrid.io/jsonrpc";
String http = "https://api.shasta.trongrid.io";
// Create an instance of TronPayoutHelper with the specified RPC and HTTP URLs
TronPayoutHelper payoutHelper = new TronPayoutHelper(jsonRpc, http);
// Get the Ethereum transaction receipt for the specified transaction
EthGetTransactionReceipt ethTransaction = payoutHelper.getTransactionReceipt("abd1f2549021239ecdc8e5b8db069216fa46771d3147806d00a0be840b85db0c");
// Print the status of the transaction
System.out.println("txId->" + ethTransaction.getTransactionReceipt().get().getStatus());