// Create an instance of PayoutHelper with the specified RPC node URL
PayoutHelper payout = new PayoutHelper("JSON_RPC_URL");
// Check if the transaction is successful using the txIsSuccessful() method
// Parameters: transactionHash - the hash of the transaction
Boolean eth = payout.txIsSuccessful("Transaction hash");
// Print the result indicating if the transaction is failed or not
System.out.println("txId is success ->" + eth);
// Create an instance of PayoutHelper with the specified RPC node URL
PayoutHelper payout = new PayoutHelper("JSON_RPC_URL");
// Check if the transaction is successful using the txIsSuccessful() method
// Parameters: transactionHash - the hash of the transaction
Boolean eth = payout.txIsSuccessful("Transaction hash");
// Print the result indicating if the transaction is failed or not
System.out.println("txId is success ->" + eth);